Monday, February 16, 2009

Response to Tatum and McIntosh

I am honestly so sick of hearing about racism that it is not even funny. Every man is equal. Why can’t everyone just get that through their heads? No, everyone has to be a big baby; it is like a race to see who is better when the truth is no one is. Everyone is equal. The thing is no one is ever going to be happy. Black people talk about slavery all the time. Well, white people have been slaves too, and blacks do not even know how slavery was and how brutal it was. Whites need to shut up as well. There will always be those confederate idiots out there, but there will always be those punks who hate whites. Slavery ended a long time ago everyone has equal rights not so get over it. America is one of the least racist countries out there; we just hear it so much because you do not get shot for saying it. I am not trying to say no one is racist, but it is like it has become a stereotype for whites to be racist against blacks as well as blacks to be racist against whites. The same goes for men and women in McIntosh’s article she speaks of men and women like black and whites. In my opinion men do get more than women but not all do. Some men are good men and some are bad. Some women are good and some are bad. Some black people are good and some are bad. Some white people are good and some are bad. Everyone needs to get along and get over the past; move on. If America as a whole is really racist then why do we have a black man as a president? The generation has changes and so has America.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Iron Maiden Response and Opinion

Michael F. Jacobson and Laurie Anne Mazur, authors of the Iron Maiden: How Advertising Portrays Women, have hit it right on the head. Reading the words of this article has made me ever angrier at society and the way it makes us women think. Magazines, movies, books, and everything else portrays women as flawless stick figures, giving us normal women no chance at some things. Society thinks that we all should be skinny, wrinkle free, flawless, and beautiful; hell they even make us think it. I cannot tell you how much I try to lose to weight. In the 1960s big was beautiful, well not even big normal. Marilyn Monroe wore a size 12/14 and she was one of the most sought after and prettiest women of the time. Now, women who wear a size 12 are pointed out to be big girls who need to get on Weight Watchers. It is so funny because in reality no one is perfect. Everyone comes in different shapes, weights, and colors, and the truth is we are all beautiful in our own way. Honestly, the funny thing is these models, or so called perfect women, are not even perfect. They are airbrushed. Magazines airbrush and go over all their flaws; getting the kinks out is what I call it. Why can't inner beauty be in? Society not only gets a hold of the women but the men as well. They make the male sex believe that no woman is pretty unless she weighs 90lbs and has flawless features. It is like women are not sexy to a man unless their ribs are poking out and their ass is the size of a tomato. Well guess what I weigh 180 lbs, wear a size 14, and I am still beautiful. It makes me mad seeing these articles and talk shows telling me and every other woman that we have to wind blowable before we are beautiful. I want even get in to the makeup scandal. What is wrong with natural beauty? Little girls are so over whelmed with looking like these models that some make their selves throw up and some just do not eat at all. It is very sad that society is making these trends. If you ask me they are the ones to blame for eating disorders; not the readers the magazines, movies, and all entertainment that puts it out, they are to blame. If every girl could read this article by Jacobson and Mazur then maybe they would see that you do not have to be young and beautiful to be loved. It would actually do all the world some good to get their head out of their ass and look at people for what they are instead of trying to make them something they are not. It has got so bad with these images of what women should be, that all women who have meat on their bones are called fat, ugly, and are just totally secluded from society. Why is being curvy, wrinkly, big butted, pudgy, and all the other norms so bad?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


While doing research over my paper for English 1020 I came upon some interesting facts of the Higher Educational System of Tennessee. Did you all know that over 21 million dollars goes to just paying higher figures in the system and none of that goes to helping the students? The Tennessee higher educational system instead of taking pay cuts for the higher figures are giving them to the teachers and professors that actually do help students. Not only is that true but it is trickling down to the students. The Tennessee Board of Regents are taking the 12 hour tuition cap off and that is allowing them to make the students pay higher for education that what it is worth.
Some might argue that this the with drawl of the tuition cap is good thing because students drop classes that they sign up for knowing that it want hurt their cost or their grade. However, I beg to differ. That is just an excuse for the TBR to use. Face it they have us, students, by the balls and are turning them every which way because they know they can. Honestly I am getting sick of it. Let me go on the record to say FUCK THE TBR AND ALL THAT IS WITH IT!

We have rights to stand up for this "cruel and unusual punishment" and I suggest we get a move on it. Do not think for one minute you cannot do anything about it because you can.