Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Response to Cell Phone Etiquette: Shut Up, Already!

Public Space by definition is area or space that is accessible to all citizens. Public Space should be and mostly are areas were people can do as they please why not breaking a law. Using a CELL PHONE IS NOT A CRIME.

In Annie Nakao's writing over Cell Phone Etiquette, she presents a so called problem that cannot be fixed and should not be fixed. The article seems to drag on and on about how cell phones annoy people in public areas. It even goes so far that she agrees that cell phones are the cigarettes of today and she along with Larry Magid do not want that smoke in their face. FYI, Magid and Nakao, cell phones fall no were close to cigarettes. Cell Phones are an invention, a knew way of communicating, a life saver, and an evolution of life. The world has evolved, get out of the stone age, and stop wining because you cannot take a shit in peace. You want to shit in peace go to a family restroom. Cigarettes are tobacco an herb of the earth that just so happens to be bad for you because dumb asses soak them in tar and nicotine.

OMG according to Nakao people on cell phones get on her nerves and the nerves of other people. Well get this, if that person was not on the phone to someone else annoying you then they would probably be talking to you annoying you even more. Public Space is an area where people are free to be free. Cell Phones are here to stay and they should. If listening to people on cell phones in public space threatens your health as bad the cigs you called them then hahahaha. There will never be a designated area for cell phoners. LOL