Monday, April 6, 2009

Extra Credit; Personal Effects ( I know it is a movie but it has changed my thoughts in some way and I had to share)

I have to be completely honest with those of you who are reading this blog. First, I am a sucker for movies with sex scenes and lust, suspense, and movies based on books. But, never in my mind did I think I would get the high level of appreciation and significance out of a (non-box offive hit) film as I did with this one. Personal Effects which stars Ashton Kutcher, the brother of a dead twin who has been raped, murdered, and burned to death, Michele Phifer, widow of murdered alcoholic husband and deaf near sighted son, and Kathy Bates as the mother of Ashton Kutcher's character Walter. This film from the beginning is intact with rage and problems, but also with the twists of life and the heartache some have to go through.

22 year old Walter, who is a National Wrestler, has come home to tend to his mother and late twin sister's child. While during court he meets up with 42 year old Linda, Michele Phifer, who is also in court to see the murder of her husband's trial. While this seems like a typical movie it is not in anyway. Walter full of hatred and Linda downed by her son's actions, since the death of his father, somehow pull together and learn from each other and also fall in love. The movie takes a twisted turn as Walter's sister's co called killer is found innocent and released. This movie consists of many lessons such as the temptations of love, the healing of a loss, the sorrow life causes and the blessings we end up with. Having been a fan of Michele Phifer, I never really cared for Ashton Kutcher until this film. It really is wonderful; I have watched it like everynight for the past week.

GO RENT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reaction to Anti-Essay

Poetic Terrorism is phenomenal. Seriously, I absolutely love the idea of it. It is away to be heard in a noticing way rebellious to the norm. People who have their minds sealed in a box probably hate it, but come on its just so appealing to people like me, an open minded freak. Some of the suggestions that it made probably would result in jail, but if it gets the point across, it is so worth it. Vandalizing, no do not really like it, but if the situation deems important I would do it in a heartbeat. That’s the problem with people these days; no one dares to dare anymore. Poetic Terrorism just might be away to live again.

The reading on
Street Performance made me think about gypsies, members of an organized group of travelling showmen, too. How ironic that we use this technique as a way of getting seen and making points heard when a long time ago they were considered The old days when they would come around and perform in towns for money, what a life just living one day at a time. I think Cher had a song about it. Even now going back to the 1980s and 90s, they are known as new age travelers, consumed of hippie life aspects. If the material is good and wild enough people will stay around. Gaining extra money is probably a good thing too.

Chalk art regards as fun for people who have artistic abilities with utensils, but not me. However, I love the idea of writing or drawing the issue or point on something that when people walk by will notice it. Following the glimpse you know they will stop and examine it. It is only their extinct to do so. Oh my, the human race is so nosy.

Street Theater sends my mind to Disney World’s parades. If street theater is anything like that count me in. Dreams do come true. Also, it seems to be simple acting and is a good way to get people to pay attention to issues.

Honestly, no problem here with this section. The normal essay is getting real boring (I’m so sick of revising). I cannot wait to do this project. Call me crazy if you want.

Extra Credit: Sarah Palin the winking fool who people believe!

Earlier Sarah Palin, Alaskan governor and former Vice Presidential candidate of the GOP, in her overnight political stardom dogged Obama, now the President of the United States, then the Democratic candidate for President, declaring he “palls around with terrorist.” Some people like Palin supporters suggest that her comment of Obama was nothing but a campaign tactic. To be brief, those people are either blind, stupid, or just so conservative that they would rather eat shit than to admit they do not know what they are talking about, or in other words let everyone know that Palin is as bad as the people she puts down and worse.
First, let’s talk about how she changes her mind all the time and how somehow people believe she says what she means. In her campaign she could not stress how important it is to watch spending and is said to be known for her tremendous budgeting. However, she has requested earmarks worth $198 million for next year, according to indicted Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, the
Los Angeles Times reported. Oh let it be known, Palin believes the Los Angles Time to be a very strong source. Also, as mayor of a small town in Alaska, Palin repeatedly traveled to Washington to ask for earmarks. The city attained over 27 million for earmarks including more funding for the Bridge to Nowhere, which she now opposes. If you’re not sure what an earmark is it is a fund from congress, your tax dollars, to be spent on a specific project; in simple terms a money wasting technique. Furthermore, Palin also increased the budget by spending on roads and sewers, left the town nearly $20 million in debt and raised the city sales tax by half a percent. Is she not a saint? I mean wow she really can budget. She left her town in debt, asks for earmarks when she is known to oppose them, and even opposes something that she was for when running for governor.
Wrapping this rant up, listen people please it would be in the best interest of the country to face the facts and send this woman back to NOWHERE. She is only good at one thing, and that is winking to get her way.