Monday, April 6, 2009

Extra Credit: Sarah Palin the winking fool who people believe!

Earlier Sarah Palin, Alaskan governor and former Vice Presidential candidate of the GOP, in her overnight political stardom dogged Obama, now the President of the United States, then the Democratic candidate for President, declaring he “palls around with terrorist.” Some people like Palin supporters suggest that her comment of Obama was nothing but a campaign tactic. To be brief, those people are either blind, stupid, or just so conservative that they would rather eat shit than to admit they do not know what they are talking about, or in other words let everyone know that Palin is as bad as the people she puts down and worse.
First, let’s talk about how she changes her mind all the time and how somehow people believe she says what she means. In her campaign she could not stress how important it is to watch spending and is said to be known for her tremendous budgeting. However, she has requested earmarks worth $198 million for next year, according to indicted Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, the
Los Angeles Times reported. Oh let it be known, Palin believes the Los Angles Time to be a very strong source. Also, as mayor of a small town in Alaska, Palin repeatedly traveled to Washington to ask for earmarks. The city attained over 27 million for earmarks including more funding for the Bridge to Nowhere, which she now opposes. If you’re not sure what an earmark is it is a fund from congress, your tax dollars, to be spent on a specific project; in simple terms a money wasting technique. Furthermore, Palin also increased the budget by spending on roads and sewers, left the town nearly $20 million in debt and raised the city sales tax by half a percent. Is she not a saint? I mean wow she really can budget. She left her town in debt, asks for earmarks when she is known to oppose them, and even opposes something that she was for when running for governor.
Wrapping this rant up, listen people please it would be in the best interest of the country to face the facts and send this woman back to NOWHERE. She is only good at one thing, and that is winking to get her way.

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